As experts in our field, we consistently endeavor to enhance our business by staying abreast of the latest advancements in scientific and research methodologies.
Dr. Hussein Sharara
The urban renaissance that occurred in Lebanon in the 19th century is an important
era, it led to a new architectural style spread in the buildings and palaces, it was the Italian
style. It became an architectural character that affected many areas, which was based on
the rules and proportions of the Italian Renaissance and its architectural characteristic.
Dr. Hussein Sharara
This research examines the phenomenon of architectural materials’
transformation in the interior space starting from the industrial revolution to modernism
and then ending with contemporary architecture, addressing the problem of replacing
authentic materials with others of lower quality that negatively affected the users’
sensory experience
د. حسين شرارة
راهنًا، يخطو العالم خطوات متسارعة باتجاه الانعزال والفردانية، سواء بسبب الأعمال التي بات باستطاعة الناس إنجازها عن بُعد أو بسبب تحول مواقع التواصل إلى بديل عن الحياة الاجتماعية المباشرة. مما سيزيد من تحديات الشباب لا سيما الخريجين الجدد في إيجاد الفرص من حولهم بسبب افتقارهم لشبكة علاقات عامة واسعة. وتاليًا سهولة استبدالهم بتقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي الآخذة بالتنامي.
ولكن يبقى عند الإنسان سمات يتفرد بها عن أي تقنية رقمية أو آلية ولا يمكن استبدالها مثل: التعاطف والتعاضد وقوة العمل المشترك. هذه السمات من شأنها تحويل التحديات إلى فرص يمكن الاستفادة منها في توسيع خيارات الشباب وفرصهم في المجتمع، وعنوانها (المشاركة التفاعلية)، فكيف بإمكان هذه السمة توسيع الخيارات والفرص؟
Dr. Hussein Sharara
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing and is already having a significant impact on the world of work. Some jobs are being automated, while others are being created. As AI continues to develop, it is likely that even more jobs will be automated. One of the biggest concerns about AI is that it could lead to job losses. This could lead to widespread unemployment, particularly in industries that are heavily reliant on manual labor. This is a major concern for people who are worried about losing their jobs to AI.
Dr. Hussein Sharara
Many individuals dream of financial independence, creative freedom, and the ability to shape their own destiny. One avenue that offers these possibilities is starting your own company, becoming an entrepreneur, rather than pursuing a traditional path as an employee. While being an employee provides stability and a steady income, entrepreneurship offers unique advantages that can be immensely rewarding. In this article, we will explore some of the key advantages of starting your own company, as well as disadvantages of being an employee.
Dr. Hussein Sharara
Beirut is a city of contrasts. It is a thriving metropolis with a rich history and culture, but it is also a city that is plagued by poverty and inequality. One of the most visible manifestations of this inequality is the Lack of balanced development and the government neglect of slums.
Dr. Hussein Sharara
In a world filled with endless possibilities and remarkable opportunities, the power to make decisions lies within each and every one of you. As an entrepreneur, I understand the weight and significance of decisions in shaping the course of a business or project. Today, I want to encourage you to embrace the decision-making process, to trust your instincts, and to cultivate the courage to act independently. Let us explore why it is essential for the young generation to take charge of their own destiny and not wait for external validation.
Dr. Hussein Sharara
As I embark on this series exploring the intricacies of human development, I draw upon a diverse tapestry of experiences, spanning both academic insights and personal reflections garnered over two decades. These insights are further enriched by the invaluable feedback of individuals who have sought my guidance in various aspects of self-improvement, career advancement, and navigating the complexities of professional opportunities.